Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Re: Mass Email to Lecture Course with 150+ students

Dear Ali Alphabetchski,

I am just beside myself to hear that you were so ill on Thursday that you missed the 50 minute lecture. I'd gladly fill you in on what you missed. The professor was in such a great mood because he found out that his ex wife had died and since he is the father of her children he is receiving her 6.2 Billion Dollar fortune. He said that since 'the spoiled bitch who stole my fortune and made me return to work so I could pay child support' was dead and he could finally live with his kids again. With his fortune. Then he told us he was having the best day of his life in 8 years so as a surprise he brought us all those nifty little netbook computers, which he said were 'on the house' because he has his '2million shares of Dell back.' Yeah too bad you missed Lecture and just wasted a couple minutes reading this email.You were as much of a minor inconvenience to me as I was to you. Read your syllabus asshole. And don't f*cking miss class that's the whole reason you do your own scheduling.

Get Well Soon,

1 comment:

  1. I completely agree with you. This happens way too much. Make a friend in the class or something if you arent gonna be there. Do not email hundreds of people cause you were "sick". Its just gross.
