Monday, September 14, 2009

If I was Taylor Swift



Kanye: "Wow, I totally deserve this, I've done a lot this year to prove my arrogance and I'm totally not that hot right now..."

Taylor Swift: "Excuse me Kanye, I am really happy for you, but I'd like to say that you have catchy music but it really does get old after I've heard it three times. Daft Punk is the real reason your "Stronger" single was a hit, and you've really shown your level of classlessness by dating a stripper from Philadelphia. I know how classless Philly strippers are because I am from the area. By the way, I am 19 years old and write, play, and sing my own music, which even though is classified as 'Country' has broken the barrier and I have won many mainstream music awards. Yeah, your girl Beyonce had a pretty fly video, but it really didn't compare to mine. I understand that you are black and from Chicago, like our President, but that doesn't mean people care about what you think. I'm the one with my name on front of the current issue of Rolling Stone, not you, so get your ass off of the stage and get back into the studio to 'drop some new jams' cause right now your shit is weak!"

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