Monday, October 5, 2009

Local Pit Bulls in Uprawr Over Poodle Fight

ART MUSEUM AREA- "I could never look that dumb while trying to claim my dominance over another canine," Says local Pit Bull/Boxer mix who goes solely by the name 'King' while recalling the earlier scene of two toy poodles who became aggressive towards each other. "There I was smelling a gray hydrant and behind me I hear two of the wimpiest barks that I have ever heard." What came next was a nearly tragic event. A six-year-old toy poodle named 'Lucky V' became agitated by another toy poodle when he was being sniffed from behind. Before he knew it, two-year-old 'Bear' was being lunged at teeth first by a hysterical looking six-year-old. Bear and Lucky V were quickly and easily pulled away by their owners, however onlooking Pit Bulls could not help but be disgusted by the incident. "If that was one of our kind, we would be sent down the street to live with Michael Vick," adds King, "Pit Bulls are very misunderstood. We are stubborn and sometimes grouchy, but we would NEVER, and I mean NEVER wear our hair like that! If there is any dog that deserves to be discriminated against, choose the one with the dumb haircut."

Special Thanks to Local Dog Whisperer Larry Woolf for translation services.